Knowledge Library
Acupuncture - Getting to the Point of it!
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese method used to relieve some health conditions and symptoms, such as pain. An acupuncturist inserts very thin steel needles into your skin at multiple “acupoints.”...
Acupuncture - Getting to the Point of it!
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese method used to relieve some health conditions and symptoms, such as pain. An acupuncturist inserts very thin steel needles into your skin at multiple “acupoints.”...
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)TCM is one of the oldest systems of health care in the world. For thousands of years, practitioners of TCM have taken a holistic approach to understanding...
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)TCM is one of the oldest systems of health care in the world. For thousands of years, practitioners of TCM have taken a holistic approach to understanding...
Essential Oils
The best and most effective way to enjoy aromatherapy is application through massage: Apply massage compound massage oil to the skin and massage, absorb through the pores, according to the research...
Essential Oils
The best and most effective way to enjoy aromatherapy is application through massage: Apply massage compound massage oil to the skin and massage, absorb through the pores, according to the research...